Future of Earthquake Project

[Abstract]:CSES data will be added into GIMISP China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite To be launched in Feb, 2018

Earthquake monitoring

[Abstract]:On April 13, 2016, there occurred an large earthquake in Burma, located at 23.14°N, 94.87°E. , with magnitude of 7.2.

Earthquake Signatures Project

[Abstract]:Benefits and AchievementsThe Ground-Based Ionospheric Monitoring and Information Sharing Platform (GIMISP) has been establishedThe web portal equipped with ground-based Ionospheric monitoring data processing and analysisThe platform is equipped with tools fo…

Disaster Monitoring

[Abstract]:Determining Precursor Ionospheric Signatures of Earthquakes by Ground-Based Ionospheric SoundingCompatible GNSS Terminals for Emergency Management and Disaster Rescue Framework for Researches on Application of Space Technology for Disaster Monitoring in…
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